JDBC: Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) provides Java developers with a standard API (application Programming Interfaces) that is used to access databases regardless of the driver and database product. To use JDBC you'll need at least JDK 1.1 a database and a JDBC driver. There are several characteristics of JDBC:ODBC : ODBC is the acronym for Open DataBase Connectivity a Microsoft Universal Data Access standard that started life as the Windows implementation of the X/Open SQL Call Level Interface specification. ODBC Driver Manager - an application binds to this generic library which is responsible for loading the requested ODBC Driver. ODBC Driver - dynamically loaded by the ODBC Driver manager for making connection to target Database. Difference b/w them is 1.ODBC is for Microsoft and JDBC is for java applications. 2.ODBC can't be directly used with Java because it uses a C interface. 3.ODBC makes use of pointers which have been removed totally from java. ...