Table Type Specifications of SET VS MULTISET
There are two different table type philosophies so there are two different type tables. They are SET and MULTISET. It has been said, “A man with one watch knows the time, but a man with two watches is never sure”. When Teradata was originally designed it did not allow duplicate rows in a table. If any row in the same table had the same values in every column Teradata would throw one of the rows out. They believed a second row was a mistake. Why would someone need two watches and why would someone need two rows exactly the same? This is SET theory and a SET table kicks out duplicate rows. The ANSI standard believed in a different philosophy. If two rows are entered into a table that are exact duplicates then this is acceptable. If a person wants to wear two watches then they probably have a good reason. This is a MULTISET table and duplicate rows are allowed. If you do not specify SET or MULTISET, one is used as a default. Here is the issue: the default in Teradata mode is SET and the default in ANSI mode is MULTISET.
Therefore, to eliminate confusion it is important to explicitly define which one is desired. Otherwise, you must know in which mode the CREATE TABLE will execute in so that the correct type is used for each table. The implication of using a SET or MULTISET table is discussed further.
A SET table does not allow duplicate rows so Teradata checks to ensure that no two rows in a table are exactly the same. This can be a burden. One way around the duplicate row check is to have a column in the table defined as UNIQUE. This could be a Unique Primary Index (UPI), Unique Secondary Index (USI) or even a column with a UNIQUE or PRIMARY KEY constraint. Since all must be unique, a duplicate row may never exist. Therefore, the check on either the index or constraint eliminates the need for the row to be examined for uniqueness. As a result, inserting new rows can be much faster by eliminating the duplicate row check.
However, if the table is defined with a NUPI and the table uses SET as the table type, now a duplicate row check must be performed. Since SET tables do not allow duplicate rows a check must be performed every time a NUPI DUP (duplicate of an existing row NUPI value) value is inserted or updated in the table. Do not be fooled! A duplicate row check can be a very expensive operation in terms of processing time. This is because every new row inserted must be checked to see if it is a duplicate of any existing row with the same NUPI Row Hash value. The number of checks increases exponentially as each new row is added to the table.
What is the solution? There are two: either make the table a MULTISET table (only if you want duplicate rows to be possible) or define at least one column or composite columns as UNIQUE. If neither is an option then the SET table with no unique columns will work, but inserts and updates will take more time because of the mandatory duplicate row check.
Below is an example of creating a SET table:

Notice the UNIQUE PRIMARY INDEX on the column emp. Because this is a SET table it is much more efficient to have at least one unique key so the duplicate row check is eliminated.
The following is an example of creating the same table as before, but this time as a MULTISET table:
Notice also that the PI is now a NUPI because it does not use the word UNIQUE. This is important! As mentioned previously, if the UPI is requested, no duplicate rows can be inserted. Therefore, it acts more like a SET table. This MULTISET example allows duplicate rows. Inserts will take longer because of the mandatory duplicate row check.
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